Monday, June 20, 2011

Eczema Treatment - Question and Answers

Questions and answers

1. Already that atopic dermatitis is associated with allergies may benefit from the elimination of certain foods?:

Only in rare cases.It is true that some foods can trigger flares of atopic dermatitis, but exclusion of food can rarely get to control the disease.The various controlled clinical studies to date do not provide enough evidence to recommend exclusion diets of foods such as egg or cow's milk.Moreover, the realization of these diets have risks such as to cause deficits of calcium, protein and calorie in these children.However, if all treatments fail, would be justified in trying to free diet of foods that most commonly cause outbreaks, such as cow's milk, eggs, fish, flour, peanuts, etc.These foods should be avoided for a few weeks to see results.

2. Are environmental substances, inhaled or in contact important?:

Rarely, the removal of a substance in the environment can improve lesions of atopic dermatitis.Occasionally removal of objects that retain dust can improve dermatitis, especially pillows, rugs, stuffed toys, some skins, etc..We used several techniques to reduce levels of dust mites and environmental sprays and the use of acaricides, aspiration using special filters and mattress covers.It seems that the most effective and simple way to reduce levels of dust mites in the home is the use of goretex cushion.

3. Is it important to skin allergy tests for patients with atopic dermatitis?:

Only on rare occasions.These tests are of little value and its interpretation is controversial because it can be positive allergy tests in a multitude of substances that do not have clinical relevance.

4. Is it possible to use vaccines to desensitize patients with atopic dermatitis?:

Generally are very useful and may even on occasion aggravate these patients.

5. What medications should be avoided?:

Patients with atopic dermatitis more likely to develop allergic reactions after injection of penicillin and other drugs heterologous if it is not necessary is better to avoid these medications.

6. Should we take a bath in children with atopic dermatitis?:

Daily bathing is necessary in addition to being useful for the treatment of atopic dermatitis, helps cleanse the skin and reduce the bacterial infection, hydrates the skin and facilitates penetration corticosteroid creams.Bathrooms should be done with warm water and should be followed by liberal application of emollient creams or petroleum jelly.It is good to take long baths to hydrate the skin with warm water and drying followed by soft towels (avoid rubbing) and the immediate application of emollient creams or oils.

7. Is it necessary to change the housing or the environment surrounding the patient with atopic dermatitis?:

It is not known why some patients improve with radical changes in the dwelling place, with the change of address, etc.. yet at other times developed eczema after a time to be in the new home, so it is not justified to advise change of residence, however it is advisable to be periods of time in different places at the residence.

8. Is it possible prophylaxis of atopy in a family with a history of this disease and are expecting a child?:

Prophylaxis of atopy can be performed at risk families, and is justified if there are precedents make clear family first degree relative with atopy.Tips for a mother with children at high risk should be: stop smoking during pregnancy, eat what you want during your pregnancy, avoid cow's milk during lactation, and do not give solid foods during the first 6 months life.Best for children at risk of atopy is breastfeeding for at least the first 6 months of life.

To control the eczema or eczema treatment remember the following points:

1. Keep skin well hydrated.If the skin is dry apply cortisone creams or Vaseline emollients.The use of bath oil can also be beneficial.

2. Try to avoid using soap.Soaps irritate and dry the skin.When washing use only water.Limit the use of soaps axillary, genital area, and feet.You can use substitutes for soap-free detergent.If you must wash your hands often should then rinsed thoroughly after washing and apply a small amount of hydrocortisone cream.

3. Avoid excessive heat.Most patients with dermatitis show that the heat and sweat worsen your eczema.You should use fresh clothes and be in air conditioning.

4.  Avoid direct contact with wool and heavy clothing

5. Avoid anything that you think aggravates eczema, if you notice any perfume, cream, makeup causes itching or irritation do not use.

6. Try to use the treatment used routinely, application of hydrocortisone creams can be done safely for long time.Should try to apply potent steroid creams only occasionally.

7. The use of sedating antihistamines and / or tranquilizers is often useful in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, but psychotherapy is rarely useful.Medications that reduce the itching can make it easier for patients to normal life.

Salcura has Salcura Zeoderm as one of the best products for the treatment of eczema


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