Migraine headaches cause intense and acute pain. These headaches are severe enough to hinder day-to-day activities and routine life. Migraine headaches are commonly accompanied by nausea. Often, migraine is preceded by a sensory warning symptoms or signs such as flashes of bright lights, blind spots or distorted vision. These warning symptoms are also known as an aura. Though it is a common condition, women experience these headaches more than men. Migraine can last from 4 hours to 72 hours at a stretch if the headache is untreated.
Considering the severity of Migraine headaches, it is impossible to ignore them. Prevention of Migraine is possible if one can identify its triggers and avoid them. But certain triggers and causes such as weather conditions, stress, hormonal changes, etc. cannot be controlled or avoided. Symptoms of Migraine include pounding headache, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dizziness, sensitivity to sound or lights, nausea, blurred vision, fatigue and very rarely fever. Migraine headache and its symptoms can be treated with help of medication.
Migraine relief medicines are easily available online. Out of multiple brands that are available, Migraleve offers two types of Migraine relief tablets. These tablets are to be taken at different stages of a Migraine attack. Migraleve Pink is to be taken at the first symptom of a Migraine attack. Migraleve Pink contains Paracetamol and codeine that treats the headache while buclizine relieves the nausea. If Migraleve Pink is taken at the first sign of the Migraine attack it can prevent an attack from developing further. Migraleve Yellow can be taken to treat the symptoms if they continue. It contains Paracetamol and codeine. Migraleve Yellow is to be taken only after the first dose of Migraleve Pink.
Migraleve Pink and Yellow are available as different packs as well as a combined pack, Migraleve Complete. The combined pack helps to deal with the symptoms of Migraine and also treat a Migraine attack if it develops.
The frequency of Migraine headaches can be reduced if a healthy lifestyle along with regular exercise is adopted. A conscious effort to avoid Migraine’s triggers also helps to prevent it. Along with proper timely medication, a complete Migraine attack can be prevented successfully.
Considering the severity of Migraine headaches, it is impossible to ignore them. Prevention of Migraine is possible if one can identify its triggers and avoid them. But certain triggers and causes such as weather conditions, stress, hormonal changes, etc. cannot be controlled or avoided. Symptoms of Migraine include pounding headache, diarrhea, loss of appetite, dizziness, sensitivity to sound or lights, nausea, blurred vision, fatigue and very rarely fever. Migraine headache and its symptoms can be treated with help of medication.
Migraine relief medicines are easily available online. Out of multiple brands that are available, Migraleve offers two types of Migraine relief tablets. These tablets are to be taken at different stages of a Migraine attack. Migraleve Pink is to be taken at the first symptom of a Migraine attack. Migraleve Pink contains Paracetamol and codeine that treats the headache while buclizine relieves the nausea. If Migraleve Pink is taken at the first sign of the Migraine attack it can prevent an attack from developing further. Migraleve Yellow can be taken to treat the symptoms if they continue. It contains Paracetamol and codeine. Migraleve Yellow is to be taken only after the first dose of Migraleve Pink.
Migraleve Pink and Yellow are available as different packs as well as a combined pack, Migraleve Complete. The combined pack helps to deal with the symptoms of Migraine and also treat a Migraine attack if it develops.
The frequency of Migraine headaches can be reduced if a healthy lifestyle along with regular exercise is adopted. A conscious effort to avoid Migraine’s triggers also helps to prevent it. Along with proper timely medication, a complete Migraine attack can be prevented successfully.
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